Internal Control System and Business Risk Management Advisory

The focus of Internal Control System and Business Risk Management Advisory is to provide reasonable assurance to management for the Internal Control system of business and most important to provide assistance for overcoming from inheritance business risks. This service includes

  • Setting up Internal Control System both for Financial and various business process
  • Analysis of existing system of internal control and business risk.
  • Suggestion for improvements of internal control system
  • Documentation of whole business process
  • Draw attention for mis-utilization of Assets or under utilization.
  • Cost Reduction and Cost-Benefit Analysis.
  • Advise on Efficiency Improvement.
  • Reviewing financial, accounting and business process.
  • Review of tax and commercial law compliance.
  • Suggestion for Business Process Re-engineering in case of necessary and acting as changing agent for whole process.
  • Internal Audit with specific scope of work from client.
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